Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity Essay
With all(prenominal) precious tick of the clock, an American rushes to perform yet a nonher toil in a day with a meager 24 hours. With all the drill encompassed inside these hours, many aspects of life argon neglected. One of these aspectsthe most important and indispensable unmatchable, in circumstance is self-nourishment. One moldiness w ar diets that be wakeless as considerably as conducive to optimum bodily function and survival. In an tackle to adequately nourish themselves, Americans have fall victim to seductive degraded-food publicise that incorrectly leads them to believe that fast-food is healthy this is an unconscionable dissembling on the part of the advertisers and thus should be punished.Firstly, what is the point of publicize? Advertising, the San Francisco Chronicle says, is meant as well woo the consumer. The fast food application uses images of crisp green lettuce, juicy red ink tomatoes, and crunchy nutritious onions in its advertisements to lure the esurient American off their couch and into fast-food restaurants. This unabashed seduction of the mouth and eyes, coupled with endorsements of celebrities (Britney Spears for McDonalds, BB big businessman for Burger King, etc.), leads Americans to fast-food restaurants in droves.Since the late mid-seventies, notes the Anchorage passing(a) News, fast food consumption has arise everyplace 15%. While Americans utilize to consume fast food for most only 17% of their meals, that number has instantly skyrocketed to 32%. The sharp increase in consumption of fast food since the 1970s can be attri thated to the aggressive advertising campaigns of the fast food industry. Clearly, the objectives of these advertisers have been met as they have been successful in attracting consumers by the millions and thus achieving enormous growth within the industry.However, the means by which advertisers attract these customers argon deceitful. unfaltering-food advertisers, charges the Boston Globe, are aware of the fact that, America is weight-conscious. They pepper their advertisements with images of vegetables and healthy foods to appoint fast food seem healthy. However, this is al single not the case one quarter-pounder with a large side of French chips from the infinitely popular Burger King chain, has 1,166calories, 95 mg of cholesterol, 1,300 mg of sodium, and over 51 grams of fat. These amounts far surpass the recommended intake per meal. The Lexington Clipper-Herald declares, Fast food restaurants, ranging from Ranch One to McDonalds to Popeyes have meals that top over 2,000 calories- the recommended daily caloric intake for an large aged 18-65. These facts are masked and unnoted in advertisements, causing health-conscious Americans, as well as those who simply desire a quick meal, to buy fast-food with little or no knowledge of its negative effects.What just now are these negative effects? one may ask. Well, not only are many Americans unaware of the fatt y kernel in many fast foods, they rattling believe that it is healthy collectible to the advertising that is intended to make them believe so. Thus, they eat fast food as very much as two or three times a day. The Guardian quotes one man, Gregory Rhymes, a nearly 400-pound man as saying I normally ensnare the Big Mac, fries, ice-cream or shake for luncheon and dinner. I same to super-size my orders.. His mother, Ruth, said concisely after, I would have stopped him, but I always believed that McDonalds food was healthy for my son.The Rhymes are not alone The Seattle propagation reports that Over the last few decades, change magnitude consumption and sales of unhealthful fast food has paralleled the rising prevalence of obesity. This change magnitude consumption and growth in sales is partly the response of deceptive advertising. though other factors may have caused the change magnitude popularity of these chains, such as the American lifestyle, the existence is that th is devious advertising has contributed to an ever-growing trend, with over 25% of American children every overweight or obese.This obesity, while obviously aesthetically unappealing, has been associated with cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary, hepatic, renal, musculoskeletal, neurological, and psychosocial complications harmonise to the Boston Globe. Again, the libelous advertising that has caused millions to take away fast-food restaurants over healthier alternatives has effectively contributed to the high incidence of obesity in the unify States. It is unconscionable that any company, well-aware of the potential libelous effects of their food, could so egregiously deceive and afterward profit from the ignorance of the American public. Of course, it is the province of every individualto educate themselves about the food theyre eating as they are making a conscious finis when purchasing and consuming the fast-food meals.However, ones responsibility to oneself does not reli eve the fast-food industry of their obligation to educate or at least, present fairly to the public the products they offer. The responsibility of a company to the society at large is such that they do not harm their customers but add apprize through their product. In this case, the fast-food industry has vie a significant role in the rise in obesity due to their bad faith advertising. Marketing campaigns that stink of dishonesty should be eliminated and any proceed deception of this nature should be subjected to either monetary or regulatory punishment. It would be tragic for more people like Gregory Rhymes to suffer as a result of consumers misplaced trust. Hopefully, with increased health awareness, the popularity of fast-food give slowly fade Americans will cure their health and reclaim lives crippled by fast-food induced obesity and its complications.
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